About Me

picture of henrik

Hey! My name is Henrik and I am a self-taught software developer, homelabber, & unicyclist. I am currently studying computer science at the university level. My primary discipline is fullstack web dev (using Typescript), however I dabble in systems programming (with Rust) & some other stuff for class.

My preferred (web dev) stack is based on the T3 Stack (Next.js, Tailwind CSS, tRPC, NextAuth/Auth.js) with the difference that I like to sub-in Lucia or Supabase for the authentication aspect. For serverside, I've used Nest and vanilla Express in the past, however, I have switched to using Elysia (in the Bun runtime) for full fledged APIs & Hono for environments like CF Workers.

My homelab is currently small, but I am working on expanding it. So far, I've got a 4tb <$200 NAS box based on a HP EliteDesk G4 SFF, and a Lenovo ThinkCentre thin client. I also have a Hetzner server for some stuff. I currently co-run an IPv6 only hobbynet to learn more about complex networking topologies.

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